We both are not "Anak Gaol Bandung", so we were lost. We decided to ask some people we met on the street, but that's the funniest part, here is our conversation:
Hadi : "Punten pak, Jalanan ke Bukit Bintang kamana nyak?"
Si Bapak 1 : "Bukit Bintang teh apa Jang?"
Hadi : (bingung)
Gw : "Itu lho pak, yang tempat ngeliat pemadangan."
Si Bapak 1 : "Oh, Pale? iya lurus we sampe gapura, aya tulisanna "PALE"."
Hadi : "Ooo.... iya iya (si Hadi meragukan ngertinya), hatur nuhun pak."
Si Bapak 1 : "Ya, Mangga Jang..."
Then We tried to find the Gate but there's nothin written "PALE"
So, we decided to ask someone again:
Gw : "Punten pak, jalan ke Bukit Bintang di sebelah mana ya pak?"
Si Bapak 2 : "Oh, PALAI. Terus we nanti ketemu Gapura tulisannya "PALAI"."
Gw n Hadi : (Bingung)
Gw : "PALAI apa PALE, pak?"
Si Bapak 2 : "PALAI, eh... PALE, eh..."
Gw n Hadi : (Tambah Bingung)
Hadi : "yah, nuhun ya pak." (ngeloyor naik motor langsung pergi dengan penuh rasa bingung)
Then, I thought and thought about the word "PALAI" and "PALE". Why it was very hard to be understood than to be found? And suddenly I found something...
"Di, orang Sunda ga bisa ngomong "F" sama "V"*). Yang mereka maksud itu "VALLEY"...
Hadi and I laughed out loud on motorbike, to realized how silly we were not to recognize their phonetics... And that's true, we found the gate, and it's written "VALLEY" not "PALAI" nor "PALE"...
*) Siapa bilang Orang Sunda Ga bisa ngomong "F" sama "V". ITU PITNAH JANG...!!! -Sundanese Anecdote-
haha anak perantauan main ke Bukit Bintang...gue cuman pernah dgr cmn blm pernah kesana. Katanya sih tempat maksiat...ckckck
ReplyDeletengakak pas baca epilognya...XD
harus gw akuin, itu tempat emang MESUM ABIS.. hhaa.. gw sama co gw juga ga betah. hhaa...
ReplyDeletethat's the first time and maybe the last lah... wkwkwk