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Saturday, December 04, 2010

Exchange Student Programme (?)

Dua hari ini, gw dateng ke acara Education Festival (Edufest) Unpad 2010. Salah satu seminarnya ada tentang "Exchange Student". Di situ dijelasin tata cara pendaftaran sampe universitas-universitas mana aja yang bekerjasama dengan Unpad buat pertukaran pelajar tadi. Jujur, gw mupeng binti ngiler abis dengan senior-senior yang udah pernah nyicipin exchange student (yang mostly) ke Jepang (Tenri n Rikkyo Univ) sama Korea (Ajou Univ). Gw juga ga takut-takut amat secara ada anak yang IPK-nya dibawah gw tapi dia bisa dapet. Cuma ada satu ganjelan di hati (sok dramatisir):
Pertanyaan dosen ga yang bilang: "Buat apa ikutan exchange student?." Sebenernya karena ini isi sms jadi gw agak bingung dengan stress syllable-nya. jadi gw juga bingung maksudnya nge-tes apa ngelarang? karena memang kalo ikutan program begini harus rela "cuti" dan "ketinggalan mata kuliah" yang berarti "Ketinggalan lulus juga."
Gw bingung -________-"


"An Education" is a film based on British Journalist Lynn Barber writing. The story is about Jenny Mellor (Carey Mulligan), A-Level Student in one of High School in England in 1960's. She wishes to continue her study in Oxford University to read English Language and Literature, but she is also interested in France's books, art and music. Her father is perfectionist so that he always forces Jenny to do the things perfectly. Her life was changed when she met David Goldman (Peter Sarsgaard), who shows her how to live a life without studying. Then she realized that education is the most important part of her life.