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This blog is just a place to put all my ideas, my thoughts, my random ones. Just to make sure I am not insane enough...

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bla Bla Bla #2

Wake Me up When September ends....!!!!

(Mata bengep sadar 4 tugas harus dikumpul besok... rrrr....)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Laugh out Loud

Mau gombal dikit hehehe....

"If I could be any part of you. I'd be your tears, to be conceived in your heart, born on your eyes, live on your chicks, and die in your lips"
*) Sila siapkan plastik untuk muntah

Sender: 0857*********

Bla Bla Bla

"To love somebody is not just a strong feeling--it is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise. If love were only a feeling, there would not be basis for the promise to love each other forever. A feeling may comes and it may go. How can I judge that it will stay forever, when our act doesn't involve judgment and decision?"
(Fromm: 1956:56)

Thus, I just want to say, Goodbye. Thank you for these amazing three years. I remain you as my brother. Hope you get a better life....

What if...

Lots of random stuffs spinning around my head when I had a dinner with my boy yesterday...

"What if I have cancer in my intestines, Hon?"

He sprout all the food out then look at me with worrisome.
"What are you talking about, Hon?"

I don't know why I said such kind of provocative words, I regret my self but it is too late...
"Do the endoscopy ASAP"
"I've scheduled it next month... I guess..."
"Great. I know how worse your medical record (*Gubrak, sempet2nya -___-"), I don't want you to belittling your disease anymore, Kay?"
 "I won't...."

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sillhoute: Mutun Beach

Ga tau kalo namanya siluet... jujur, di foto ini mode shot yang gw pake salah besar...!!! tapi yah, namanya newbie pikiran gw cuma mikir "nih objek BAGUS, CEPAT JEPRET!" maka simsalabim!! jadilah gambar-gambar ini...

feel free to comment and criticize...